Xenophobic Attacks

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15 Muharram 1441 / 15 September 2019

Xenophobic Attacks In South Africa

The Solution Is Not Only In Making Istighfaar!


Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “By Him in Whose Hand my life is, you either enjoin good and forbid evil, or Allah will certainly soon send His Punishment to you. Then you will supplicate (to Allah for safety etc.) and it will not be accepted.” (Tirmizi)

Our Kuffar-Aping Way Of Living Plays A Huge Role In The Country!

Almost everyone is aware of the recent xenophobic attacks which took place in major parts of the Gauteng province as well as in other areas of South Africa. An area which was 24 hours ago ‘safe’, was reduced to a ‘war-scene’ in just 24 hours, when xenophobic attacks took place there. Rubble, smoke, burning tyres and mobs were in those same streets, areas and suburbs which were ‘safe’ 24 hours ago. Rubber bullets were fired and stun grenades were used by the police while the mobs chanted words of protest as they caused havoc on those same streets and areas which were ‘safe’ 24 hours ago. Rioting, looting and torching were the ‘norm’ of these xenophobic attacks.

Allah Ta’ala declares in His Glorious Kalaam,

“Such is the apprehension of your Rabb when He apprehends (the people of) the cities when they are oppressive (in their transgression). Verily, His Apprehension is painful and severe.” (Surah Hood)

Many foreign Muslim shopkeepers’ shops were looted during these violent attacks. The saddest incident we have learnt of is of a Muslim owned car-stand with approximately 50 vehicles in his showroom which were reduced to ash! It was a loss worth about R2 million, if not more! May Allah Ta’ala make it easy for all those who suffered any kind of loss during these attacks, Aameen.

While our intention is not to do a news report on the attacks, nevertheless, during the days of these xenophobic attacks, we had seen some statements and articles issued by the Fordsburg Jamiat, Darul-Ihsaan and others regarding these attacks. It was lamentable to read the articles of some of these Ulama-organizations. While they had made Amr bil Ma’roof (enjoined virtue) in their pamphlets and articles, however, majority of them completely cast a blind eye on the ‘twin-department’ of Amr bil Ma’roof, viz. Nahi anil Munkar (forbidding evil and sins)!

The main theme of the articles issued by these Ulama-organizations was the recitation of Istighfaar 300 times a day, giving of Sadaqah, reciting a specific Aayat (Laa-ilaaha Ilaa anta subhaanak), etc.

Nowhere in these articles did we read these Ulama forbidding the flagrant and major sins the Ummah is involved and drowning in on a lamentably large scale. Yes, Darul-Ihsaan sufficed on mentioning the extravagant lifestyle of SA Muslims. Moreover, even Ulama have been duped and hooked into the traps of all the evils and sins around us!


Nowhere in the articles did we find the Ulama clearly commanding the Ummah in explicit and clear-cut terms to STOP watching TV, You-Tube videos, social media videos (like on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp and others), and that ALL such videos and pictures are HARAAM. But this is of no surprise to us, because they are (among) the same Ulama who appear on TV as well as on so-called ‘Islamic’ TV channels (like Haraam ITV). How will they then have the face to say TV is Haraam? In fact, they do not even believe TV to be Haraam! Some of the Ulama of Fordsburg Jamiat and so-called Radio ‘Islam’ sit in a TV studio together with strange women! Is this Islam? Is this Halaal? Are these genuine Ulama from whom we can learn our Deen? NEVER!!!!!

They have imported concocted ‘Fatwas’ of some Muftis who are inclining towards liberalism (if not already fully liberal) from abroad, and have now gone-to-town with their appearing on TV – which we all grew up knowing it to be Haraam! Another notorious ‘reason’ for their legalizing HARAAM TV is the term ‘Zaroorat’ (need/necessity), which they say, “It is the need of the time to go on TV due to other deviated sects appearing on TV and misguiding the laymen.”

So we can ask, in fact, every Ummati can ask these same TV-You-Tube-Instagram-Facebook-modern-western-so-called ‘Ulama’: “Is it now not Zaroorat (need) for the Ulama to stop appearing on TV and abandon ALL their pictography platforms and declare ALL of them as HARAAM, since the xenophobia attacks seem to be an Athaab from Allah Ta’ala and a ‘warning’ for the Ummah of SA to wake up and stop trespassing the Laws of Deen.”  

In fact, we ask all Muslims to flood and inundate the e-mails of these Ulama and demand an answer to the above query.

To these Ulama, TV and all pictography as well as You-Tube and Instagram videos are ‘Halaal’, hence they will not command the Ummah to stop. In fact, the secretary general gentleman of Fordsburg Jamiat has now his own You-Tube channel! We have been informed that he uploads his own HARAAM videos on this channel which is in actual fact a ‘tool of Shaitaan’. Pictography is a terrible major sin. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

To the contrary, had these Ulama not legalized TV and pictography on flimsy and weak technical ‘Dalaa’il’ (proofs) of ‘digital’, then the Ummah would have been on the old-age stance of ‘TV and all pictography are Haraam.’ But since the Ulama sanction and appear on TV and other channels and platforms (such as You-Tube, Instagram, etc.), the Ummah is left to choose the ‘Fatwa’ of permissibility or the Fatwa of impermissibility.


The wastage which takes place at the mock so-called Walimahs is in stark contrast to the beautiful Naseehat Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) offered the Ummah, “The most blessed Nikaah is the one with the least expenses.” (Mishkaat)

Nowhere was it explained in the articles issued by the Ulama-organizations that the wastage almost every Muslim in SA is involved in regarding Haraam wedding functions which is in emulation of the Kuffaar. Why? Is it because in many HARAAM weddings and mock so-called Walimahs the same Ulama are invited, and lamentably, they do attend, amidst all the videography, photography, intermingling of men and women – all dolled-up with make-up and dressed-up as though each one is a bride despite being married and some even being mothers?! The women carry on as if they are seeking marriage partners! In such a case, if they are married, their husbands are termed as ‘Dayyooth’ (cuckold) according to the following Hadith, because they do not care who their wives speak to and which male looks at their wives: “There are three (types of people) at whom Allah Azza Wa Jall will not look (with Mercy) on the Day of Qiyaamah. The one who disobeys his parents, the woman who imitates men in her outward appearance and the cuckold (Dayyooth).” (Nasaai)

Why did the Ulama not mention the unacceptable wastage of tens of thousands of valuable and precious Rands as well as tons of precious food which takes place at Haraam weddings and mock Walimahs, in an era in which millions of Muslims around the globe live as refugees and in extreme poor and inhumane conditions? If assisting the poor and needy abroad may be difficult, then locally, in almost every township, one will find a shocking amount of poor and needy people living in inhumane conditions! Spend your wealth on them! Become a Qaasim (distributor) of the surplus wealth Allah Ta’ala has bestowed you with on His Makhlooq and earn their Du’as which will shake the Arsh of Allah Rabbul Izzat, for your alleviating their needs.


Nowhere did we read in the article issued by some Ulama-organizations that ‘mosque open days’ is another Haraam activity which many of the modern and liberal Ulama with westernised ideologies have sanctioned, unfortunately. Which Sahaabi ever allowed non-Muslims – who wallow perpetually in Janaabat – to enter a Masjid? In the era of Hazrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) when Islaam was flourishing, did he arrange for a Haraam ‘mosque open day’ to any of the many Masaajid which were under his terrain?

Some ‘mosques’ have issued a flyer in which they advertise their ‘open day’ and write boldly, ‘meet your neighbours, guided mosque tour, join us for a cup of tea, males and females welcome.’ Innaa-lillaahi-wa-innaa-ilaihi-raaji’oon!

When this is the state of the Masaajid in SA – a Masjid which has won a HARAAM BAATIL ‘Masjid Awards’ of so-called Radio ‘Islam’ which is known to be desensitized to the Laws of Deen, especially the Laws of Hijaab, then why do we question the brutal xenophobic attacks which took place in Johannesburg? Don’t we see the frequent protesting, closing the roads with burning tyres and boulders, strikes and other similar activities, which even happens on main roads in famous and rich residential areas? Why do we ask why all this is happening when so-called Ulama destroy every Law of Hijaab when they speak on so-called Radio ‘Islam’ to women?


Merely sufficing on encouraging the Ummah of SA to recite 300 times Istighfaar a day and at the same time ignoring the flagrant sins of the Ulama and the Ummah will be of no effect. Allah Ta’ala’s Nusrat (aid) can only be attracted when He is obeyed. Never is His Aid attracted when He is disobeyed, His Shari’at abandoned, His Masaajid used for a social event of meeting neighbours, guided tours, drinking tea together and allowing women to attend – all in the Haraam name of ‘mosque open days’.

When the Ulama will write or speak on these topics and they command the Ummah of SA to STOP all their involvements in such open bulldozing of the Laws of Deen, then indeed, we will see a promising future for the generations to come in this beautiful country of South Africa – a country which caters for freedom of religion!

May Allah Ta’ala grant the Ummah Hidaayat to reform and come on Siraatal-Mustaqeem, Aameen.

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