Comments On The Audio Clip – Part 5

1 Safar 1443 / 9 September 2021

Part 5

JUSA’s SG’s Audio Clip – ‘Being Innovative’

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “The most evil matters in Deen are those that are newly invented…” (Nasaai)

We continue with our comments on JUSA’s SG’s (secretary general) statements made in his audio clip in which he said:

 “It teaches us from Seerah that if you get something new, and it is beneficial, you adopt it … If it is something that is beneficial, you go and take it.”

Our comments: We shall – Insha Allah – comment again on this same statement which our previous parts have also detailed – Alhamdulillah – from another angle.

  1. Since the claim is made that ‘something new’ which is ‘beneficial’ should be ‘adopted’, we humbly plea with JUSA’s secretary general to kindly accept the challenge of a live debate made public on several occasions by Mufti AK Hoosen (Hafizahullah). The challenge to this debate is to discuss a few topics such as Masjid closures and the court case, MMB Kufr and the court case, as well as the vaccines and perhaps other topics as well like the position of the Shias and their KUFR.
  2. This challenge to a debate probably appears to be ‘something new’ to JUSA, as they have perhaps never been challenged previously so openly to a live debate. Until now, JUSA and others whose beliefs are aligned to theirs have seen many articles, books, posts and audios of Haq from the Ulama-e-Haq explaining the position of the Shari’ah. We say without doubt, this challenge (debate) seems promising and JUSA should ‘take it’ or ‘adopt it’ since it is ‘something new’ and ‘beneficial’ for JUSA and the Ummah.
  3. Whilst incidents of debates shine in the annals of history in Islam, currently, debates between Haq and Baatil are absent in our country. Thus, we once more humbly plea to JUSA to please take up the debate challenge because it is ‘something new’ and our children, the confused laymen and the Ummah of SA will know who is on the Haq.
  4. We firmly believe that it is time this challenge of a debate, which is ‘something new’ and ‘beneficial’, should be ‘adopted’ and taken by JUSA and its secretary general. That will be a means to clear many confusions created by Baatil and the forces of Baatil and a time for the Haq to set clear its position. For verily, Allah Ta’ala says, “Say, the Haq has arrived and Baatil has disappeared. Indeed, Baatil was bound to disappear.” (Surah Bani Israaeel, Aayat 81)

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