Vaccines Are NOT Safe!

In his book titled ‘ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU VACCINES ARE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE IS LYING. HERE’S THE PROOF’ in which the poison called vaccine camouflaged in the guise of ‘treatment’ and ‘medicine’ is discussed, Dr Vernon Coleman writes the following:

Almost everyone who promotes vaccination is paid to do so. The supporters of vaccination have a personal interest in promoting vaccination. On the other hand, just about everyone who questions vaccination does so at great personal cost. Vaccination is big business and many of those who promote it, and make money out of it, do everything they can to protect an intellectually vulnerable but enormously profitable exercise.

Experience tells me that this book will bring me much trouble, a great deal of abuse, a number of threats and considerable professional and personal inconvenience. But I firmly believe that vaccination is one of the most offensive and dangerous of all modern medical practices and I find it appalling that it is allowed to grow, seemingly unchecked and unquestioned. I don’t believe anyone, anywhere, knows just how much harm is being done by the establishment’s unquestioned enthusiasm for a practice which is of such doubtful value and which offers such potential for disaster.

I hope this book will raise some questions and some doubts and I hope that readers will share my concerns with their families, their friends, their neighbours and their medical advisers.

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

This should be a wake-up call to those Muslim medical associates and scholars who are promoting, encouraging and legalizing this poison called ‘vaccines’.