A man had committed 99 murders. One day he reflected and wondered if there would ever be forgiveness for him. He went to a great Aalim and asked if there was still scope of Taubah for him. The Aalim said that after having committed 99 murders there was no hope of Taubah. The murderer drew his sword and killed the Aalim thus completing a century Sometime thereafter he again wondered if Taubah was still available for him.
He went to another great Aalim and asked him. The Aalim informed him that there was nothing to prevent him from repenting. The Aalim advised him to go to a certain village where the inhabitants were very pious. He should go there and spend his days in Ibaadat. So he set of in the direction of the village of piety.
Along the route to the village, his Maut arrived. Two sets of Angels had appeared. The angels of mercy and the angels of punishment. Both groups wanted to take possession of his soul. A dispute developed between the two groups of angels. The angels of punishment said that he had never done any virtuous deed. He had only sinned, hence they are entitled to take his soul. The angels of mercy responded that he was on his way to the village of piety, hence they had a greater right to his soul.
Allah Ta’ala sent an angel to arbitrate the dispute. The arbitrator ruled that the distance from the body be measured to both villages – the village of piety and the village from whence he had set out. When the distances were measured it was discovered that he was just one hand closer to the village of piety. Thus the angels of mercy took his soul.
(Source: Subulas-Salaam, page 54)
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