A Lawyer’s Letter And Our Work

Alhamdulillah, a lawyer has issued a letter to the SA government requesting that the Masaajid be given leeway to be opened for Ramadhaan, on behalf of 42 Masaajid / Musallahs and about 12 prominent and senior Ulama (at the time of writing this report. We were informed that the number could increase).

We commend this lawyer for taking up this good work for the Masaajid and the Ulama and supporting the Haq at a time when Baatil, Ahl-e-Baatil and the forces of Baatil have become common.

We support this work because it is a work of Haq. Unlike the claim made by Radio ‘Islam’ on their website, that we (Custodians of the Haq) are the Majlis’s supporters. Nay, rather, they have misunderstood our work. We support EVERY WORK OF HAQ, NOT ONLY MAJLIS!!! For indeed, Radio ‘Islam’s’ claim will make us look like we are one of those ‘extremist-Majlis-minded’ individuals, thereby making the public to believe that our views and statements may be isolated, with a following of a ‘minority’.

Today, Allah Ta’ala is unleashing His Army of the HAQ and the Ahl-e-Haq to protect His Deen. Will Radio ‘Islam’ now make it look like these great, our senior (Akaabir) and respectable Ulama mentioned in the lawyer’s letter be Majlis’s supporters? Nay, it is NOT like this that if you follow, promote and support the HAQ, then automatically you become a Majlis’s supporter! Anyone with Imaani vision and healthy Imaani understanding will know that if you support the Haq, you are an enemy of Baatil – automatically!

We support every noble work done by any individual or organisation, AS LONG AS HE/THEY FIT IN THE BRACKET OF THE HAQ, CONFORMING TO THE TEACHINGS OF THE SHARI’AH!

Link to the lawyer’s letter: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Letter-to-the-Presidency-IH.pdf

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