The Shi’as Abuse, Curse & Vilify The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) – And They Call The Sahaabah MUNAAFIQEEN! Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi…
A Haraam 7 Km Run / Walk For Muslim Women Question: Some people in a Muslim community have arranged the…
State Funerals & The Shari’ah “Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah, so follow it and do not follow the…
Mr Froggie Found In A Famous Food Outlet’s Burger – Can Such ‘Food’ Be Fit To Be Certified With A…
Death And Du’a For Mushriks – Impermissible! (Part 3) “It is NOT (permissible) for the Nabi, nor for the Mu’mineen…
15 Rajab 1443 / 17 February 2022 Video Streaming Of Programs – Haraam! Question: Recently,a group of scholars arranged for…
27 Jamaadul-Ukhra 1443 / 30 January 2022 Are JUSA’s ‘Fatwas’ Binding Upon Muslims? “Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah,…
Death And Du’a For Mushriks – Impermissible! (Part 2) The FATWA of Allah Ta’ala as enshrined in His Noble Kalaam…
Drop The Curfew – Where Are The ‘Life-Savers’, Anti-Masjid court-scholars – Please Go To Court To ‘Save Lives’!!! [PLEASE REFER…
26 Jamaadul-Ula 1443 / 31 December 2021 Death And Du’a For Mushriks – Impermissible! (Part 1) Announcing the prohibition for…