Ramadhaan Youth Night Programs

RamadhaanYouth Night Programs

Youth Addressed By Deviate & Liberal Scholars & “Shaykhs”

Soiling And Spoiling The Mubaarak Nights Of Ramadhaan!!!

QUESTION: This Saturday is the second Saturday of the month of Ramadhaan and I’ve seen another poster advertising a youth program. The programs take place in the Masaajid. Youth are to sleep in the Masjid after being engaged in some ‘Deeni’ activities and talks by Maulanas, and now even a Shaykh of liberal and warped views on Deen.

This week Saturday’s youth program of a liberal “Shaykh” has a ‘LATE NIGHT SAUSAGE BRAAI’ written on their poster.

Please comment on this fast growing new trend initiated by liberal-minded scholars and so-called ‘Shaykhs’. Shukran, Wassalaam

ANSWER: Regarding this new fashion wherein the youth are trapped and addressed by deviate type scholars and people parading as ‘Shaykhs’, the following points should be noted:

  1. Such programs, especially in the month of Ramadhaan, are totally alien and non-existent in the Ta’leem of our Akaabireen of both, the past and the present.


  1. Concerned parents should make an effort in ingraining in their children the respects, demands, virtues and blessings of Ramadhaan. This can be simply gained by conducting some Ta’leem of the Fazaail of Ramadhaan prior to Ramadhaan and during Ramadhaan. Then there will remain no need for children to venture outdoors, sit around sausage braais and spend the night in the Masjid in the company of deviate orators and ‘Shaykhs’, in Ramadhaan. Daily Ta’leem with the family at home is far more safer for the Deen and even Imaan of one’s children than allowing them to go to the Masjid and learn ‘Deen’ from liberal-minded people and scholars – scholars who are out there to destroy Deen!

Hazrat Ibn Sireen (Rahmatullahi alaih) said, “Knowledge is indeed part of your religion (Deen). So be careful as to whom you accept your matters of Deen from.” (Muslim Shareef)

  1. As stated above, even our present day Akaabireen and Ulama-e-Haq don’t conduct such over-night programs especially in the Mubaarak month of Ramadhaan. The most some of our Ulama-e-Haq and Akaabireen do is a brief Tafseer or Ta’leem program after the Taraweeh. Such programs are seldom over an hour in duration. Even in the last ten nights, during I’tikaaf, our elders don’t conduct such over-night programs! This shows us that the Ta’leem of our Ulama-e-Haq is that we should engage in individual Ibaadat. Yes, they offer basic guidelines in their Majaalis, but an over-night program which includes as sausage braai is never their method or style.


  1. The ‘LATE NIGHT SAUSAGE BRAAI’ on the itinerary clearly shows the soiling, spoiling, polluting and wasting the Mubaarak Nights of Ramadhaan. A braai, even in one’s backyard, is discouraged in Ramadhaan by our Ulama-e-Haq. Then from whence have the youth programmers found space, time and convenience to braai sausages, in all probability in the Masjid’s backyard or parking section, during the nights of Ramadhaan? Just this item on their list is enough for any concerned Muslim parent to keep their children far, very far from such Haraam programs.

In conclusion, we leave you with the following famous saying filled with wisdom from one of our senior Ulama of South Africa, which reminds and encourages every Muslim and Muslimah to spend Ramadhaan in a manner that will be most productive:

“Ramadhaan is not the month to BRAAI and FRY. It is a month to CRY. Otherwise, on the Day of Qiyaamah, your book of deeds will be DRY. And (then) you wont get the chance to give it another TRY.” (Hazrat Moulana Dawood Seedat Hafizahullah)

We make Du’a that these brief points explaining the importance of Ramdhaan be understood by all parents and gives them sufficient courage to prevent their children from attending all such youth programs, especially in the month of Ramadhaan and especially conducted by deviate orators, Aameen.