Covid Positive – Genuine Or Not?

How Genuine Is A Covid Positive Result?

In an era where the media plays a huge role to instil fear and paranoia in the hearts of every human being in the world regarding covid-19, the following feedback should make one understand how misleading the media really is. Daily, the stats of covid is made public and put on the media – be it social media or the news. New cases, new deaths and total recoveries are the highlight of the daily bombardment of the media.

Many Muslims have brought ‘full Imaan’ on these mindboggling stats made public on a daily basis. They have kept count and a close watch on it as if it is some scoreboard of a Haraam sport match they are following. Or, as if it is a time board at the airport displaying the departure times of various flights. Thereafter, these ‘covid-Muslims’ share these ‘scores’ on their social platforms, perhaps to pass on the fear to others?   

It is warming to note how certain posts have also made its rounds denoting how devious and erroneous this entire covid-19 with ALL its lockdowns, testing, deaths, etc. really is! We reproduce verbatim one such post which made its rounds:

“This is from my nephew. He went for a test and the lines were too long. So he left his contact number for them to contact him. Two days later he received a sms stating he is Covid Positive. Imagine how many people they are lying to about being positive.”

Similarly, a voice clip of a Muslim brother which was circulated, revealed the very same experience as above which his friend witnessed. We were told of a brother that was tested positive to be having NO symptoms whatsoever!

Remember the following two points:

  1. In the beginning of this weird and ‘intelligent’ pandemic, Tanzania’s president took its accuracy to a test by conducting a covid test on a goat, a sheep and a pawpaw. Lo and behold! The goat and fruit came back as ‘covid positive’!
  2. Ice cream was found to be ‘covid positive’ earlier this year in China!

The question is, ‘Are these so-called ‘positive’ cases included in the grand total of ‘cases’, or of ‘new cases’? If yes, then you be the judge and get to a conclusion.

To Muslims that are keeping up with the stats, start keeping up with Salaah, Tilaawat and Zikr. Wallah! These will offer you sweet fruits in the Aakhirah! These forms of Ibaadat will make your day, night, home and most importantly your Aakhirah ‘positive’!

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