Covid’s Attack On Religion!

Covid’s Attack On Religion – Is Covid Engineered To Be Anti-Religious?

The following is observed upon a closer look:

It appears that the only two groups (religions) that are a threat to the engineered covid farce – better known as a plandemic/scamdemic – are the Muslims and Christians.

In the initial lockdown in 2020, when we were promised a lockdown of only ’21 days’ – today being over 600 days! – Muslims took the government to court to open the Masaajid. Success in this court case would in all probability have led to the opening of ALL religious places of worship in South Africa.

Earlier in this year (2021), Christians and its Pastors had rallies in which they clearly made it known to one and all that SA Churches will not be ruled by the government’s protocols of ‘no vaccine, no entry’. We had published such articles on our website. Click on these links to read the articles:

Will UUCSA (the buddies of the government and friends of the court) accord to this stance of the Pastors as it goes directly against the wish of the atheist-government whom they have thus far appeased?

From this, we understand that only the Muslims and Christians appear to be a threat to the entire covid farce which is engineered to do away with religion slowly, slowly and to bring in a ‘One World Religion’ garbage!

While the current Christian faith is based on Kufr due to them straying from the Path of the original beliefs of the time of Nabi Isa (Alaihis salaam), nevertheless, Islaam and (original) Christianity have certain things in common.

  1. Nabi Isa (Alaihis salaam) was the last Nabi before our beloved Rasool (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
  2. The Qur’aan Majeed speaks about the Muslims and the Christians who follow the true teachings of Nabi Isa (Alaihis salaam) in the following terms: “And you will surely find that the closest in affection to the Mu’mineen are those who say, ‘We are Christians’…” (Maaidah, Aayat 82)

After all, the question which needs an answer is, ‘Is it co-incidence that an oppressive lockdown occurred in 2020 in Ramadhaan, the Prime Time of the year for Muslims? With the excuse of ‘covid’ and the brutal ‘never-ending’ extended lockdowns (from 21 days to over 600 days and counting), Ramadhaan with ALL its activities such as Taraaweeh, Salaah with Jamaat, activities of the Masaajid, Iftaar in the Masjid, etc. were cancelled?’

More so, Muslim scholars and ‘theological’ bodies who dance to the tune of the government enforced strict bans on the activities of the Masaajid! Certain scholars even refused to allow I’tikaaf to take place in their Masaajid!

Another question which demands an answer is, ‘Is it co-incidence that a ‘2nd wave’ occurred in December 2020 in which the Christians celebrate their religious festivities?’

All this begs an answer again as we have seen in 2021 a ‘3rd wave’ starting in Ramadhaan and peaked after Eid, due to which certain Mashaaikh’s Khanqahs, I’tikaafs and other collective Ibaadaat in Ramadhaan were ‘blamed’. That ‘3rd wave’s’ restrictions caused somewhat interruptions to even Eid-ul-Adha in the sense that some of the provinces couldn’t be crossed without permits. Therefore, Muslims couldn’t travel to their families to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha with ease.

Now again, as December is approaching in which Christians will celebrate their religious festivities, a ‘well in advance’ prediction with sort of ‘precise’ prediction of ‘cases per week’ were made by ‘covid-professors’ weeks ago. Lo and Behold! We are now in a so-called ‘4th wave’ of covid. Is it co-incidence that such ‘perfect’ predictions regarding ‘new cases’ are materializing at the commence of the ‘4th wave’?  

Does all of this not mean that covid is engineered to be anti-religious by its continuous attack on the religions which are opposing the Satanic attacks of covid?

On the other hand, the Hindus (Mushriks) were left free to celebrate their Diwali. We are not acquainted as to when do Jews celebrate their Holy days. However, the matter here is that the Qur’an Majeed has coupled the Muskriks (Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) in the group with the Jews of having a severe opposition and enmity for Islaam, just as it has coupled the Christians with the Muslims in the above Aayat of Surah Maaidah we quoted.

This hints that covid feels at ease with the enemies of Islaam (Muskriks) by not bridling them with any restrictions in the name of any ‘waves’, or ‘variants’. The Jews are known to be the followers of Dajjaal, hence the covid-stage which is being setup for Dajjaal will see the Jews to be party with him, hence they are also left free in the covid nonsense.

In conclusion, we take solace from the following powerful Aayat of the Qur’an Majeed in which Allah Ta’ala clearly declares to ALL the engineers, professors, virologists, vaccinologists, presidents, health ministers, government-‘Ulama’ and Billionaires, and anyone else that is pushing and condoning the covid narrative in the following words:

“And they plan and (at the same time) Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.”  

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link:

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