Cricket World Cup

We have been made aware that the cricket world cup as scheduled, has begun.

A proper believer needs no reason and reminder not to indulge in the supporting, following, watching etc. of this futile sport of the Kuffaar.

Over and above that, being in the last few moments of Ramadhaan, the question of even following the scores – without even watching – is NOT supposed to prick one’s heart!

And to the young Huffaaz and Ulama who are ‘crazy’, ‘mad’, ‘lovers’ and ‘fans’ of sports, they should be warned that for them to even talk about the cricket world cup strips them off their honourable title of ‘Haafiz’ and ‘Moulana’ or ‘Mufti’. To those of them who lead (or led) the Ummah in Taraweeh Salaah, we say that getting involved in the Haraam cricket world cup is the most poisonous of liquids they will pour over the Pure Kalaam of Allah Ta’ala they recite/d in Taraweeh Salaah! For them to even view the statistics of the Haraam world cup cricket will disqualify them from being the proper and true Flag-Bearers of the Qur’an Majeed! For indeed, a genuine Haafiz is he whose actions mirrors the Qur’an Majeed.

To the general Muslim public, we urge you to abstain fully from this Haraam futile act of ‘play’ and ‘amusement’. Do not add urine to the A’maal you have tried to do in Ramadhaan.

Our Mashaa’ikh have said that the conclusions are the deciding factors. Thus, if the last breath of a person is breathed with the Kalimah, then we have hope of the person’s safety in the Aakhirat.

Likewise, let the end of this Ramadhaan NOT be in futility such as the involvement with the Haraam cricket world cup, for then the curse of Hazrat Jibraeel (Alaihis salaam) which was approved with the ‘Aameen’ of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) on the Mimbar of the Masjid which was directed to the one who witnessed the month of Ramadhaan but did not gain forgiveness, is sufficient as a warning.

These days, watching such cups which are in reality the poisoned cups of Shaitaan, has become extremely easy. Merely by livestreaming it from the internet makes one get involved in the sin. Also, going online to view the latest scores is also getting involved. All this should be considered as futile and sinful acts. A genuine and true Muslim will not even view who is playing currently or who is playing the next match. Glad tidings to such Muslims! The attractions of the world with its Shaitaani cups does not distract such Muslims!

May Allah Ta’ala remove the love for sports from the hearts of each one of us, Aameen.

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