First Eid?

Question: Many people observe what they call First Eid on Eidul-Fitr. Family go to the house of the person who lost his/her spouse/parent/sibling etc. on Eid day. The emphasis given to this is high. Does it have any Islamic basis?

Answer: No, there is no Islamic basis for this. Nowhere is it mentioned that such a practice was initiated by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) despite after his demise, great and senior Sahaabah were alive. The same with all the Sahaabah. Even none of our Akaabireen did this. If it was ‘Sunnah’ or ‘Mustahab’, then our Akabireen would have done so. Some of our Akabireen had such a close Ta’alluq (spiritual connection – by observing the Sunnats) with Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that some of them were reprimanded by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in a dream for omitting the Khilaal by mistake/forgetfulness during Wudhu! So, if this had some Islamic credit to it, the Akabireen would have definitely practiced upon it.

Besides the above, during such ‘gatherings’ at the ‘Mayyit’ houses – despite at times the Mayyit took place good few months ago – many Laws of the Deen are violated and flung out of the window. The simple, basic and WAAJIB Law of proper and strict Hijaab between female cousins and male cousins are generally trampled upon by majority of the Muslims. Not to speak about the brother-in-laws speaking, chatting, mingling and giggling with the sister-in-laws. The Hadith sternly warns that a brother-in-law is Maut (death) for his sister-in-law. 

Meals are then eaten in an anti-Sunnah manner. The setting of tables and chairs for meals are in conflict to the Sunnah manner of eating. 

In summary, we have just come out of Ramadhaan, let us behave accordingly. Many of us are such, that the Hilaal of Eid has been sighted and we become total different people to that of the last day, 2 days and 30 days! 

What happens upon the sighting of the Eid moon?

The Haraam and cursed haircuts will then be cut by the youth, the beards will be shaven or trimmed to less than a fist in length – thereby ‘shaving’ or ‘cutting’ the blessed heart of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who loved the beard and kept a beard – the dressing will resemble the Kuffaar, the Salaah will be omitted or neglected, the language will be vulgar or slang, the gaze will be ogling at Ghair-Mahrams (and female/male cousins are also Ghair-Mahrams!), while others will have their gazes lowered but ‘lowered’ because they will be fixed on their smartphones while livestreaming some Haraam (world) cup/Shaitaani cup or a YouTube movie or the likes, the vapes will be smoked, blowing clouds of smoke, the Topis will be removed, the scarves will be blown away with the fancy hair-styles adopted by women and girls who will then parade with their latest Abayas, or fancy tight clothing and high heel shoes amidst boys and men.   

Thus, these major sinful acts should be stopped. They are like pouring one litre of poison into a thirty litre tank of pure and mineral water we tried to achieve each day of Ramadhaan with A’maal!

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