Saudi Arabia stages once-banned ‘Halloween’ celebrations
Saudi Arabia, the Land of the Two Holy Masajid and the Holiest and the Most Sacred place for Muslims, has hosted an event to celebrate the once-banned festival of Halloween.
In an absolutely un-Islamic move the Saudi Kingdom has taken this action to implement ‘social reforms’ (?) intended to modernise the country under de-facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.
In Islam any practice which does not have its origins in The Divine Scripture (The Holy Qur’an) and The Sunnah is totally prohibited. This applies to many Pagan practices such as Halloween, Valentine’s Day etc. Even a report by the New York Times describes the festival of Halloween as having Pagan Roots.
The Noble and Last Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is reported to have said: “Whoever imitates a nation is one of them!” (Hadith-Abu Da’oud).
…and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
(Source: Haqqseeker)
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