JUSA’s Name-Dropping – Don’t Be Duped!!!

JUSA & Ml Arshad Madani – Alert!

Don’t be duped by names!

We have been made aware of JUSA’s hosting of Ml Arshad Madani, who is the president of India’s Jamiat. The following points should be noted in this regard as many may be duped and deceived by the name-dropping tactic of JUSA – that by using ‘big names’ and hosting such people, JUSA is a reliable and credible organisations:

  1. JUSA’s Ml Bham and Ml Arshad Madani have similar similarities in the sense of modernising and watering down the 1400-year-old Islaam. The difference is that JUSA’s Ml Bham is modernising Islaam in South Africa, not in India.
  2. Ml Arshad’s honourable father, Hazrat Moulana Hoosein Ahmad Madani (Rahimahullah) stood for the Shari’ah, and never water down the Laws of Allah Ta’ala.
  3. For instance, Moulana Hoosein Madani – Ml Arshad’s honourable father – has stated regarding photography, “I never ever had my photo taken knowingly and voluntarily. That (photos) takes place when I am unaware, and I do not consider it permissible. Those who do that (i.e. take other peoples’ pictures) are responsible for their actions.” (Ma’aarif wa Haqaaiq)
  4. This also shows that Ml Bham’s views and JUSA’s views on TV/iTV/Hilaal-TV are different to that of Moulana Hoosein Ahmad Madani (Rahimahullah), who they often quote.
  5. Ml Arshad Madani has allowed his pictures to be taken, appears on videos, etc., just like JUSA’s secretary, Ml Bham. Both of these scholars have the internet flooded with their Haraam pictures. Even JUSA’s so-called ‘social work’ and other ‘welfare work’ such as distribution of hampers is not spared at (many) times from the Haraam and accursed camera flashes!
  6. Ml Arshad Madani has been interviewed by a female, directly, with no Hijaab system whatsoever. On the other hand, Ml Bham has been seen sitting next to a female in a TV studio – Dajjal’s headquarters – in the ‘Ravat show’, together with the host of the show, obviously. Thus, two scholars and one female in an ‘Islamic’ TV show!!!! Ml Bham and scholars of his ilk have flouted the entire system of Hijaab in SA.
  7. Furthermore, Ml Bham has also been seen marching on the roads with a female right by his side! This shows how Ml Bham is demolishing the Laws of Hijaab.
  8. Ml Arshad Madani has attended Diwali Milan function, as stated in com. Ml Bham also frequents Kuffaar ‘holy’ places and stood under several crosses praying for Kuffaar. He also attended Mandela’s memorial ceremony in the stadium. He also attended World Cup 2010 and was there Jumu’ah time, abandoning the Masjid for Jumu’ah. In short, Ml Bham also attends Kuffaar functions and mingles freely with Kuffaar and Kuffaar religious leaders.
  9. “While Madani (referring to Ml Arshad Madani – COH) presented Swami Kailashananda with a Hindi-translated Quran, the latter presented Madani with a saffron shawl and the Kumaoni Topi”, stated the ‘The Siasat Daily’ On the other hand, though not physically, but Ml Bham has ‘dressed’ himself in the clothing of the government he tries to please all the time, at the expense of the Shari’ah. The Masjid court case and his brazen crowing of ‘just one Jumu’ah’, etc. all denotes this irrefutable fact.
  10. Ml Arshad Madani is heard uniting Hindus and Muslims. This is a call Ml Bham is trying hard to achieve here in SA, where he wants to unite Islaam with ALL other Kufri religions under the banner of interfaith. JUSA even took a step ahead into this terrible Shaitaani bait by misinterpreting Surah Kaafiroon to push for their accursed Shaitaani interfaith – one world religion – agenda. They’ve been shocked far more than what a person can shock with high electrical voltage wires for seeing their efforts wile away into oblivion when the Ulama-e-Haq stood up and took them on, Alahmdulillah! They were forced to then issue a statement in this regard, though we regard such to be ‘damage control’ and ‘patch up jobs’, but the mere fact of doing so, shows them failing with ‘flying colours’.

Birds of a feather flock together!

Name-dropping – using ‘big names’ or importing names from overseas to justify and sanction JUSA’s Islamic Crimes, means nothing. Don’t be duped!!!

South Africa has many, many senior Ulama-e-Haq who studied in Deoband, Jalalabad, Binnori Town, etc. Why does JUSA hanker after overseas imported scholars to their venues, celebrations and Haraam anniversaries? Simple, because our honourable local senior Ulama who studied at such institutions stand for the Haq. Obviously, JUSA’s doings are anti-Haq, hence they are in a desperate need to call scholars of their ilk. And unfortunately, Ml Arshad – who has derailed himself from his honourable father’s Tareeqah – is one such ‘prey’ and ‘name’ used to achieve this Shaitaaniyat!

It is Haraam for Imaams, Ulama and Huffaaz to attend JUSA’s program where Ml Arshad Madani – the Ml Bham of India – will be hosted!

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSA-Ml-Madani.pdf)

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