JUSA’s Tasheel Saga – Rejoice! O Ummah!

JUSA’s Tasheel Saga – Rejoice! O Ummah Of South Africa…

Upon The Grace And Mercy Of Allah Ta’ala Upon Us In The Form Of The Ulama-e-Haq

Allah Ta’ala announces the cause of rejoicing, “Say (O Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), ‘In the Grace of Allah and in His Mercy, in that they should rejoice…” (Surah Yunus, Aayat 58)

It is truly heart warming to note that many of the various senior Ulama, Darul-Ifta/s and Darul-Uloom/s have objected and publicly brought to the notice of the Ummah the indoctrination of the innocent minds of the children of the Ummah by none other than JUSA in their Tasheel series’ misinterpretation of Surah Kaafiroon.

For years, JUSA has tried all avenues to corrupt and indoctrinate the Ummah. However, Allah’s Divine Promise is that He will ensure His Deen is protected in its Pristine Purity. Hence, the Divine System of Allah Ta’ala is the appointment of the True and Genuine Heirs of His Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) who will propagate His Deen in its Purity. They will not only focus on Amr bim Ma’roof (enjoining virtue), but will also render the service of Nahi anil Munkar (forbid evil, Baatil, interfaith, Kufr, Shi’ism, etc).

Alhamdulillah, great and senior Ulama and organisations consisting of Ulama have aired the correct Tafseer, etc. of Surah Kaafiroon., contrary to the misinterpretation offered by JUSA who of late are hell-bent on permitting Haraam and Kufr interfaith meetings.

It now remains the duty of the laymen, the parents and students to entirely discard any association they have with JUSA, its radio station (Radio ‘Islamm) and ALL its members (SANHA, UUCSA, etc.)

Since the Ulama did their job of notifying the Ummah of JUSA’s incorrect commentary in their (JUSA’s) Tasheel book, it now rests on the shoulders of the Ummah to take up the Naseehat given to them and do what needs to be done.

For indeed, it can’t be that over a dozen of great Ulama together with the various organisations have erred in offering the correct interfaith-free Tafseer in their articles, Bayaans, refutations, etc. The following is a list of names of some of the Ulama that offered the Ummah the correct version or refuted and alerted the Ummah of JUSA’s manipulated Tafseer promoting Haraam interfaith through the Pure and Paak Words of the Kalaam of Allah Ta’ala:

  1. Majlisul Ulama of South Africa – Few articles have already been published on their website regarding this. View them via themajlis.co.za
  2. Wifaaqul Ulama of South Africa – An organisation consisting of senior Ulama from various major Darul Ulooms of South Africa.
  3. AMPSA – An organisations of Muslim professionals. Their utilizing their knowledge, skills and proficiency and talent for the defence of the Haq is indeed marvellous. May Allah Ta’ala grant them Barakah in their efforts of protecting His Deen, Aameen.
  4. Ihyaaud-Deen – A newsletter published by Madrasah Ta’leemud-Deen Isipingo.
  5. Darul-Ifta Western Cape – Various talks have been rendered in explaining this subject in detail. May Allah Ta’ala reward them for their promoting the Haq openly and fearlessly, Aameen.
  6. Qalamul-Haq – A group penning the Haq and involved in refuting Baatil on an ongoing basis. May Allah Ta’ala reward them for their promoting the Haq, Aameen.
  7. Awake O Ummah – May Allah Ta’ala reward them for their promoting the Haq, Aameen. awakeoummah.com
  8. Darul Uloom Azaadville – A major Darul Uloom in South Africa. May Allah Ta’ala reward them for their promoting the Haq, Aameen.
  9. Various other individuals and independent Ulama used the Jumu’ah Bayaan platform to discuss this issue.
  10. Many Ulama were sent e-mails questioning the correctness of JUSA’s Tafseer of Surah Kaafiroon. All of the Ulama-e-Kiraam rejected the Tafseer of JUSA.

May Allah Ta’ala reward each and every Moulana, Mufti, Darul-Ifta, Ulama organisation, layman and professional who stepped up and made Du’a, or let out a cry, a whisper, a bold statement, a clear explanation, a talk, an article and/or any other method that may have been used for exposing the manipulated, fabricated and concocted commentary of Surah Kaafiroon by JUSA. Aameen.

Can anyone in his sane mind still believe press statements and public statements released by JUSA wanting everyone to pity them (JUSA) for the major crime they’ve committed of manipulating Surah Kaafiroon’s Tafseer (commentary) to still be valid, correct and fine? No, never! The only acceptable statement the Ummah together with the Ulama-e-Haq whose efforts in combatting JUSA’s Baatil is a cause of rejoice for the Ummah of SA, is a statement explicitly, clearly and unambiguously stating an apology and retraction of such a pro-government, pro-interfaith, pro-one world religion, and a  pro-political opinion under Surah Kaafiroon.

This shows us the importance of studying correct and reliable Islamic literature, written or prepared by reliable personalities in Deen. After all, what else could have been expected from the Amicus-Scholars who showed the world their true hidden colours in the covid Masjid court case where they begged the court to keep Allah’s Houses SHUT? This is just the start of more disgrace to befall JUSA-UUCSA for closing the Masaajid as promised in the Qur’an Majeed. The only way forward, is for JUSA-UUCSA to make an open and clear Taubah, thereafter join in the company of the Ulama-e-Haq.

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSAs-Tasheel-saga.pdf)