Mass Iftaars / Sisters Only Iftaars?

Question: I have seen few photo-ads on Mass Iftaars and Sisters Only Iftaar. The Mass Iftaar seems like it is held only for the youth. The last I was aware of that the Youth League has Ulama in charge of it. With regards to the Sisters Only Iftaar, it is to be held at a sports centre. Please comment on these trends we see in our community. Shukran

Answer: Such Fitnah-type-Iftaars are un-Islamic and Haraam to attend. There is nothing Islamic in them, besides the misuse of the word ‘Iftaar’. 

The prohibition for such merry-making feasts increases many, many fold regarding the Sisters Only Iftaar.

Individuals parading with titles of ‘Moulana’ are NOT all the time genuine Ulama who fit in the description of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam as ‘the heirs of the Ambiya’. The genuine ‘heirs of the Ambiya’ sit in the ‘office’ of Nubuwwat and discharge the duties and tasks of the Ambiya. And among the duties and tasks of every Nabi was Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar – commanding virtue and prohibiting evils. Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam did NOT arrange a mass Iftaar with his Sahaabah! 

Thus, the ‘Ulama’ you may see attending or arranging such events are among the modern Ulama who have weird and liberal beliefs and discard the duty of Nahi anil Munkar. 

Genuine Ulama, will indeed speak and/or write from their platforms not to attend such alien events which misuses Islamic name – in this case the word ‘Iftaar’. 

To read who are the genuine Ulama, click on the following links:

May Allah Ta’ala safeguard us from His Azaab, Aameen.

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