Maulana Raaipuri’s Ramadhaan

About Maulana Shah Abdurraheem Raaipuri, it is recorded that in Ramadhaan, for days on end, he used to fast, drinking at ‘Iftaar’ and ‘Sehri’ only a few cups of tea without milk and nothing else. Once his most trusted follower (and Khalifa) Maulana Shah Abdulqaadir Rahmatullahi alaih remarked with anxiety: “Hazrat, you will become very weak if you do not eat anything.” To this, Maulana Shah Raaipuri replied: “Praise be to Allah, I am experiencing something of the ecstasy of Jannah.’

May Allah grant us all the ability to follow those Pious souls. Aameen

Source: Fazaail-e-A’maal

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