Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani’s Life By Ml Bham – Beware!!!

Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani & Ml Bham Of JUSA

QUESTION: Ml Bham of JUSA is soon to have a webinar / zoom program on the life and political views of Shaykh Al-Islam (Ml Husain Ahmad Madeni Rahimahullah). In his poster, Ml Husain Ahmad Madani is portrayed to have been a ‘community mobiliser’, a ‘freedom fighter’ and a ‘political activist’.

In the advert of this webinar, Ulema and students are invited and encouraged to register to join.

Kindly comment if we Ulema should join and ask our students to do the same?

ANSWER: Hazrat Ibn Sireen (Rahmatullahi alaih) said, “Knowledge is indeed part of your religion (Deen). So be careful as to whom you accept your matters of Deen from.” (Muslim Shareef)

In light of the above statement of Hazrat Ibn Sireen, the following open activities of Ml Bham of JUSA and any other scholar that fits in these points, should be remembered:

  1. He appears on TV– It is the unanimous Fatwa of all the major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa that TV is HARAAM. Ignore imported Fatwas legalizing TV! South Africa is not a barren land of Muftis and Ulama-e-Haq. Thus, the South African senior Muftis and Principals of Darul-Ulooms have issued a Fatwa against TV and it should be appreciated, respected and abided by.
  2. He mingles with females on TV studios– It is the unanimous Fatwa of the Qur’an Majeed and the Hadith Shareef and of the Ulama-e-Haq that intermingling with non-Mahrams is totally Haraam.
  3. He called for the closure of the Masaajid and fought tooth and nail in court to ask the judge to do the same– The Fatwa of the Qur’an Majeed states that such a person is the most oppressive person – a bigger oppressor than the oppression perpetrated by the apartheid state of ‘Israel’ on the Palestinians, Gazans and others!
  4. He indulges and engages in interfaith prayers and receives/d money from the Motsepe Foundation– It is the unanimous Fatwa of the message of Surah Kaafiroon together with the life of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) and all the Ulama-e-Haq to accept, regard and believe that interfaith prayers are Haraam and un-Islamic. This is whether at Mandela’s funeral, or Kathrada’s funeral – interfaith prayers are Haraam. This is despite the Shaitaani-effort JUSA made by committing Tahreef (distorting, altering) of the meaning of the same anti-interfaith Surah, Surah Kaafiroon, for which they paid with further disgrace when the Ummah challenged them!
  5. He comes on Radio ‘Islam’– Despite the fact that this radio broadcasts Baatil, Dhalaal (deviation), promotes Haraam, lockdowns, Haraam deadly vaccines, women’s voices with sweet and alluring tones and tunes, etc. It is the unanimous Fatwa of the message of the Qur’an Majeed and Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that the above indulgences of Radio Islam are Haraam – thus, rendering the entire radio station as Radio Shaitaan!

After reading the above brief five – only five out of many other points – we can understand that Ml Bham is not a reliable person in terms of the Shari’ah due to the above open, public and blatant wrongs in his account. One should refer back to Hazrat Ibn Sireen’s statement and understand that at the outset, forget what the topic of the program will be, it is not permissible to join, listen, participate, etc. in his talks and programs.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the modernist-type scholars (don’t call them ‘Ulama’ as Ulama are different to scholars – Insha Allah, we will explain this in the future) love having their programs online, on zoom, on webinars, on accursed You-Tube, live video-streamed, etc. In this regard, we must make Shukr in the sense that Allah Ta’ala is slowly, slowly stopping them from conducting their talks in His House – the same ones they (JUSA, Bham, etc.) called to SHUT DOWN before lockdown. Since their talks breeds of modernism, liberalism, anti-Islamic teachings, Tahreef, etc. Allah Ta’ala dislikes such nonsense to be discussed in His House, thus He has opened for them their spots on the net and web.

Alhamdulillah, our senior Ulama-e-Haq conduct their regular Majaalis and Bayaanaat in the Houses of Allah free of charge and free of all ‘registrations’ and ‘joining’ which needs data and internet. Their talks filled with the Love of Allah Ta’ala, are free of Haraam photos, videos, etc. At most, for the benefit of the ladies, their talks are live-streamed with AUDIO ONLY. Their talks are recorded for the benefit of those who wish to listen at their free time. Sit in their Bayaanaat, or listen to their audio recordings, to gain the proper understanding of the Shari’ah, love for Allah Ta’ala, love for the Sunnah, etc.

Lastly, using the name of Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (Rahmatullahi alaih) should not cause confusion in anyone’s mind that the program conducted by the modern-minded scholars (like JUSA, UUCSA, Darul Ihsan, etc.) is fine since the discussion concerns a great Akaabir of recent times. This is said, because the simple standing position of Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani regarding his branding PHOTOS as HARAAM, which is the demand of the Shari’ah, is not adhered to by JUSA and company. How then can they do justice to the life of Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani whilst they discard his powerful statement he made about photography.

Let us read his statement again, in bold, and in capital letters, to get his stance on photography – the same photography JUSA, UUCSA, Bham and company indulge in freely, in public, brazenly and justifying their Haraam:

Shaykhul Islaam, Hazrat Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (Rahmatullahi alaih) states:

“I never ever had my photo taken knowingly and voluntarily. That takes place when I am unaware, and I do not consider it permissible. Those who do that (take other peoples’ pictures) are responsible for their actions.”

(Ma’aarif wa Haqaa’iq, 380)

How then can this program adequately speak on the works and life of Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani (Rahmatullahi alaih), when his Shar’i stance on photography is totally ignored, mis-interpreted, etc.?

It is a devious stunt to mislead masses into deviation by using the names of certain Akaabireen who participated in politics, yet, their stance on photography is ignored and discarded – something JUSA, UUCSA, Radio ‘Izlam’, Ml Bham and company freely indulge in and claim to be ‘permissible’ – Na’uthu-Billah!

Subbing salt in a wound, if the webinar or zoom is transmitted with animate videography or photography, then this is triple Haraam! One; it is Haraam because it is Haraam to take one’s Deen from unreliable sources and persons as stated in Hazrat Ibn Sireen’s verdict. Two; it is Haraam because it is channelled via pictography, which is Haraam in the Shari’ah. Thirdly; it is Haraam because the name and life of Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani is used in a manner he never approve with, with photography, regarding which his stance is unambiguous in the RED BOLDED FONT quoted above.

It is Haraam and discouraged for Ulama, Ustaads and students of Deen to register and join such Haraam programs, hosted by scholars who to this day, have failed to make public Taubah and bring their ways, verdicts and doings in conformity to the Shari’ah! Stay away from all such programs. Rather partake in the programs of the Ulama-e-Haq for the safety of one’s Imaan!

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