We accept that all stunned animals do not die immediately. Then too, we still deem stunned meat sold as ‘Halaal’ and ‘certified’ as Halaal at butchers, take-aways, restaurants, etc. as Haraam. Read that again!
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Kindly note that our e-mail address ‘admin@custodiansofthehaq.co.za’ is currently out of use/service. Please use the following e-mail addresses:…
“A covenant was made with us that we shall not fill our stomachs (completely) when eating, especially in the nights of Ramadhaan.”
“It is better that one should eat less in the nights of Ramadhaan than on other nights. After all, what is the utility of fasting after having filled oneself at Sehri and Iftaar?”
A woman wrote, “My grandfather is 87 years old: no backache no joint pain no headache no tooth loss. Soon…
Those Ummatis of mine who come to my masjid and take pictures are hurting me and causing me grief and pain
We appeal to the youth of Middelburg and surroundings not to get carried away by the hype of ‘dynamic’ and ‘epic’ themes used as baits to trap the youth in the Fitnah of the ‘Deen Team’. Total abstention from all their activities is necessary!
Using the Mubaarak Seerah to promote interfaith and universities is like pouring few drops of urine in a glass of Zam Zam! Beware of such scholars misusing the Seerah and other Islamic names to promote evil, sin, Haraam and even KUFR!
Load shedding… water cuts… floods… riots and looting… protests and shutdowns… xenophobic attacks… economic recession… These are some of the…
DID HAZRAT MOULANA YUNUS PATEL SAHEB (رحمة الله عليه) CONDONE ATTENDING SECULAR UNIVERSITIES? Some segments of society are hell-bent on…
What are black heads? Blackheads are small, dark lesions that appear on the skin, often on the face and neck.…