State Funerals & The Shari’ah “Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah, so follow it and do not follow the…
If you do not listen attentively then this sitting here is an evil moment, regardless of the sitting being in…
Mr Froggie Found In A Famous Food Outlet’s Burger – Can Such ‘Food’ Be Fit To Be Certified With A…
The Cellphone Usage In The Masaajid A brother writes: I have noticed 2 things openly prevalent in our local Musjids…
Hilaal TV – Another Haraam Accursed TV Question: Please comment on the TV channel called Hilaal TV. Ulema are also…
Health Benefits Of Eating Blueberries Besides their cancer-fighting properties, the powerful antioxidants in blueberries are also hailed for their numerous…
Children – A Great Trust (Amaanat) «O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose…
The Influence of HARAAM Television by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh) One of the many sunnats of the…
Displaying Animals On Qurbani Advertisements We urge ALL Muslims who are selling Qurbani animals to totally refrain from displaying animals…
Turmeric: Add a tsp of turmeric powder and carom seeds to a cup of water Boil it for a few…