Wild Animals Leave The Jungles

My friends! Submit to Maalik (Allah Ta’ala), then all things will submit to you. You are aware of the stories of the Sahaabah.

Once, there was a need for the Muslims to set up camp in one of the jungles of Africa which was teeming with wild animals. Hzrat Uqbah (Radhiyallahu anhu), the commander of the army, took a few Sahaabah with him to a spot in the jungle and announced: “O wild beasts! We are the Companions of Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam). We intend to set up camp here. Vacate from here. After this, we shall kill whomever we find.”

Was this an announcement or some bolt of lighting? The animals taking their little ones immediately left.

(Hazrat Sheikh Zakariya Rahmatullahi alaih)

Source – Mashaa’ikh-e-Chist

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