Municipal Strike Actions In A Community – Threats Of A Shutdown – And The Local Imaam A brother says: Our…
The Shi’as Abuse, Curse & Vilify The Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu Anhum) – And They Call The Sahaabah MUNAAFIQEEN! Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi…
Should A Woman Change Her Surname To Her Husband’s When She Marries Or Keep Her Father’s (Maiden) Surname? (The following…
A Haraam 7 Km Run / Walk For Muslim Women Question: Some people in a Muslim community have arranged the…
Lavishness During Aashura Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever increases his expenditure on his family on the day of Aashura,…
Aashura / Muharram Gifts Question: Kindly comment on giving gifts on the day of Aashura in the name of Aashura.…
State Funerals & The Shari’ah “Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah, so follow it and do not follow the…
If you do not listen attentively then this sitting here is an evil moment, regardless of the sitting being in…
Mr Froggie Found In A Famous Food Outlet’s Burger – Can Such ‘Food’ Be Fit To Be Certified With A…
The Cellphone Usage In The Masaajid A brother writes: I have noticed 2 things openly prevalent in our local Musjids…