Lavishness During Aashura

Lavishness During Aashura

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Whoever increases his expenditure on his family on the day of Aashura, Allah Ta’ala will increase his sustenance for the rest of that year.”

It is indeed lamentable and mind boggling to note the extreme route of extravagance the Ummah has taken in light of ‘increasing expenditure’ on one’s family on the day of Aashura. Indeed, the route we have taken has led us into the major sin of Israaf (wastage). A simple Hadith – whose implication is simple as understood from the mere words of the above Hadith – has been stretched and used as a ‘justifier’ for the Israaf we arrange for and indulge in on the occasion of Aashura.

Concerning spending extra on the day of Aashura, Muslims have not left it to its simple and easy-to-understand benefit as stated in the Hadith. The ‘extra’ spending encouraged in the Hadith has made Muslims spend thousands of valuable Rands to feed themselves, at a time when the Ummah is bleeding, hungry and needy.

In short, spending ‘extra’ on one’s family does NOT mean:

  1. Eating out at some restaurant where one is billed in the thousands!
  2. Cooking a seven or ten course meal!
  3. Inviting family and friends and hiring a hall (as was done in the past), or catering companies!
  4. Going shopping to buy Aashurah or Muharram gifts!
  5. Etc.

Islaam is simple and easy. Why have we made it so difficult and hard? By spending ‘extra’ on Aashura, it simply means that a little extra that is within one’s means should be spent. Something which one generally does not buy or have all the time, should be bought if one’s means allows one to.

While many of the Muslims enjoy lavish meals if not daily, then at least weekly, one should not forget the poor and needy. Find a poor family. Definitely, during these times when inflation hits hard upon the pockets of the poor, one will find plenty of such needy Muslim families. Buy some groceries or whatever one can afford and send it to their home. Wallah! The Du’as one will receive from those broken-hearts in one’s favour will shake the Arsh (Throne) of Allah Ta’ala!

There is no basis for giving gifts and arranging feasts and parties on this day. These are totally alien-to-Deen! Live the simple Islaam. Abstain from the modern Islaam promoted by, unfortunately, even Ulama! May Allah have mercy on this Ummah, Aameen.

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