Search for reliable people and Ulama who collect funds and ensure the correct recipients receive such monies, without the money finding a place in their wallets and pockets, or without their cars getting upgraded on a regular basis.
All such mass messes are Bid’ah. All the points above are Haraam. It is Haraam to attend all such mass events. The Haraam is further aggravated by Muslim and non-Muslim women partaking in such Haraam; by non-Muslims partaking in such events and by dubbing such messes in Islamic Themes – such as using the words ‘zikr’, ‘tahajjud’, ‘du’a’, etc.
There is no scope for cinemas, TVs and other Haraam activities. The sin is aggravated when these futile and Haraam pastimes are dubbed as Ibaadat, or Thawaab, or ‘Halaal’, as in the case of ‘Halaal cinema’.
There were indeed great battles that were fought in the era of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum). Never did any of them during any of those important battles between Imaan and Kufr ever arrange, or hallucinate to arrange a ‘mass tahajjud’ in Masjid-e-Nabawi, or any other Masjid.
If the internet is flooded with his pictures and videos (You-Tube, channels, TV, etc.), and the fact that his poster has his picture, then such a Qari Saab’s Qiraat programs should be avoided at all costs.
After reading the above brief five – only five out of many other points – we can understand that Ml Bham is not a reliable person in terms of the Shari’ah due to the above open, public and blatant wrongs in his account. One should refer back to Hazrat Ibn Sireen’s statement and understand that at the outset, forget what the topic of the program will be, it is not permissible to join, listen, participate, etc. in his talks and programs.
Are Centenary Celebrations Halaal? QUESTION: Is it permissible for an Islamic organization to host a centenary celebration? ANSWER: Another word…
A person who frequents the churches is a ‘Kaneesah-Waalaa’ – man of the church. What Deen can be expected from such a person? Hence, the Ahle-Kaneesah, such as the MJC in this context, should not be taken as credible in the matters of Deenul-Islaam. We cannot comment on their credibility in Christianity.
One must remember that of recent, JUSA has concocted a ‘new version’ of Islaam which suits the politicians, modernists, interfaithers, liberals, feminists, LGBTQ gang, Shi’a Kuffaar, modernists, liberals, Barelwis and everyone and anyone besides those who wish to follow in the footsteps of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). This ‘version’ of Islaam invented by JUSA has also been referred to by our Ulama as a ‘watered down’ version of Islaam.
Even if the Imaam of the local Masjid, an Ustaad from the local Madrasah, the ‘grand’ Mufti or the Imaam of the Haram Shareef is expected to be present, such walks will still remain Haraam and we shall still condemn such Haraam activities. As Muslims, we are governed by the Laws of the Shari’at. The presence of certain personalities in Haraam activities doesn’t make those activities Halaal.