This Du’a should be made silently and not audibly, neither in ‘chorus-style’ where the Aameens echo throughout the four corners of the Masjid thereby disturbing the Masbooqs completing their missed Rak’aats.
We accept that all stunned animals do not die immediately. Then too, we still deem stunned meat sold as ‘Halaal’ and ‘certified’ as Halaal at butchers, take-aways, restaurants, etc. as Haraam. Read that again!
Using the Mubaarak Seerah to promote interfaith and universities is like pouring few drops of urine in a glass of Zam Zam! Beware of such scholars misusing the Seerah and other Islamic names to promote evil, sin, Haraam and even KUFR!
It is an imperative aspect in terms of Islam to learn one’s Deen from reliable sources – Ulama who are synchronized to the Haq. Hence, abstain from attending such functions and Jalsahs where modern-minded scholars preach while being videoed and attempt to subtly interfere in the Laws of the 1400 year old Golden Deen of Islam
Shaitaan is the manager of ALL world cups of all variants – not only the 2022 FIFA world cup in Qatar. Shaitaan is also the manager of ALL Kuffar sports of all sorts, even the ones played at ‘Muslim’ schools. Shaitaan is the ‘mastermind’ behind the entire sports industry. Through sports, he has achieved his goal of causing people to lose their Imaan!
Interfaith is a bait of Shaitaan to snatch one’s Imaan! Don’t be trapped by this bait where one will risk losing one’s Imaan!
The only way to get the youth to the Masjid is the Sunnah-Way. That is, from the age of 7, parents start encouraging their children read Salaah. Then, at the age of 10, the father should ensure he takes his son to the Masjid while the mother sees that he daughter reads her Salaah punctually in the house
The answer to ALL your questions asked is simply ‘NO’. In the Hadith Shareef, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) has warned us that we will be raised on the Day of Qiyaamah with whom we loved (and imitated in this world).
The Ulama-e-Haq will never endorse such Kuffar-sports and Haraam tournaments. Such Shaitaani activities held by Muslims is a disgrace to themselves, not to Islaam, as Islaam doesn’t endorse such Haraam
Question: Since it is the month of Rabiul-Awwal, there are talks given on the Seerat of Hazrat Muhammed Mustafaa Sallallahu…