“Woman’s Day” Walks – Stay Away!

‘Woman’s Day’ Ladies Walks

Question: Please provide answers for the following:

  1. Can Muslim women participate in a ‘woman’s day’ walk?
  2. What about participating in a ‘walk for peace’?
  3. What about participating at such walks wherein Muslims will be present?
  4. What about participating at such walks wherein Mushriks will be present?
  5. The ward councillor who is a Muslim, is expected to be present as well.


Answer: Such walks are Haraam. The Qur’anic Place reserved for a Muslim woman is her house. Valid reasons allows her to leave her home with several strict conditions which we will, Insha Allah, elaborate on in another article. Such ‘walks’ are NOT valid reasons for a woman to leave her home!

Regarding your queries, the following should be noted:

No, Muslim women cannot participate in marches as this entail a wholesale destruction of Hijaab. Recent history has shown us the undeniable fact of marches/walks wherein a ‘scholar’ who is currently a ‘secretary general’ of one of the organisations with extreme liberal and modern views in South Africa, was rubbing shoulders with a Muslim woman – on the streets! Is this the example of the Hijaab of Hazrat Faatimah binte Rasoolillah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)? O Ummah! How can such an organisation ever be reliable in Deeni matters whose secretary general rubs shoulders with a woman on the streets?

If a Muslim woman is not safe in the presence of a ‘scholar’, how can she ever be safe in the presence of Mushriks who are our worst enemies as per the Qur’an Majeed?

Even if the Imaam of the local Masjid, an Ustaad from the local Madrasah, the ‘grand’ Mufti or the Imaam of the Haram Shareef is expected to be present, such walks will still remain Haraam and we shall still condemn such Haraam activities. As Muslims, we are governed by the Laws of the Shari’at. The presence of certain personalities in Haraam activities doesn’t make those activities Halaal.

May Allah Ta’ala grant us Hidaayat and save us from the evil planning and plotting of our enemies, Aameen.