Radio Panel Discussions

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The Radio Panel Discussions Of The Doctors And Mooolanas

They discuss and decide whether the Masaajid must be opened or not during the lock-down…

Many of these doctors are enemies of the Shari’at! They wear suit-and-tie! They ‘SHAVE’ the Blessed Heart of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by SHAVING OFF their beards!

Muslims with healthy Imaan should NOT EVEN LISTEN to such programs and radio stations, even if they may be dubbed ‘Islamic’, which host such open transgressors of the Deen, and have the audacity to discuss and decide as to whether the Masaajid must open or close! How ironical? In fact, Muslims who are interested in safeguarding their and their children’s IMAAN, should NOT listen to such radio stations AT ALL!

Let us ask you a simple question: “If you have a financial issue, will you go to someone dressed in a plumber’s overall, with a bobbejaan spanner in his one hand, holding a step-ladder in his other hand and wearing boots?”

In the same way, the Masjid issue is a Deeni issue. Yes, while we (can) take information from people of different fields, we don’t decide on the rulings of any Deeni issue based on the decisions of the professionals. We are Muslims and we are bound by the Shari’at, hence at the end of the day, we have to look at ALL Deeni matters in the Light of the Shari’at.

A Moulana made the following pertinent points when he explained this issue:

  1. It is important that we always refer to a pious (Allah-fearing) Aalim, Mufti, or if possible, take a Shaykh. This will not cause you any confusion on an individual basis. Refer to him in ALL your daily affairs/matters. He will guide you. What he says, follow it. Some say, a medical issue should be referred to a doctor; a legal issue should be referred to a lawyer; a financial issue should be referred to an accountant; and a vehicle related issue should be referred to a mechanic. This is true what they are saying because (logically) you can’t expect a mechanic who may be an expert in diagnosing your vehicle’s problems to diagnose your medical problem; and you can’t expect a lawyer to offer solutions to your financial issues.
  2. Like that, any (Allah-fearing) Aalim, Mufti or your Shaykh can’t diagnose your medical problem. You can’t go to him and say ‘Please see my throat, I have an infection, please administer some treatment and medicine.’ Remember, AFTER going to the professionals in their fields, before going ahead in taking the next step, we should refer back to the pious (Allah fearing) Moulana, Mufti or Shaykh – or the Akaabir Ulama. Why? Because we are Muslims! And in EVERYTHINGas Muslims – we need guidance from the Qur’an Majeed and the Sunnah-Mubaarak of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam).
  3. Take an example: You go to a doctor who diagnosed you and offers you two options of treatment he can do for you. Whatever he offers, is either allowed in the Shari’at or disallowed in the Shari’at. How will you know what is allowed in the Shari’at and what is not allowed in the Shari’at in terms of the treatment your doctor wants to give you? By going and referring back to a (Allah fearing) Moulana, Mufti or Shaykh, you will be guided in terms of the Shari’at regarding the proposed treatments offered to you by your doctor.
  4. Sometimes, the Moulana, Mufti or your Shaykh will guide you to opt for a certain treatment which is Halaal in Deen, although in the doctor’s knowledge the alternate was the better of the two options as a treatment for you.  Remember, the doctor (generally) doesn’t know the Shari’at. That’s why we have to go back to our (Allah fearing) Ulama or Shaykh for guidance.
  5. That is why it is important to stay connected to our Akaabir, pious Allah fearing Ulama, Muftis and Mashaa’ikh. When you get any such pious Allah fearing Moulana or Mufti, etc. then stick to him. Don’t hop around!

(End of the simplified points we extracted from the talk of the Moulana)

Bearing the above points in mind, we can understand that the ‘suddenly-common’ panel discussions held on ‘Islamic’ Radio stations on which doctors come on to discuss and decide as to why the Masjid has to remain closed or not, based on a medical perspective, holds no weight since we are Muslims and we are governed by the Shari’at. No matter what the medical experts may say, the Shari’at’s view holds much more weight than that, at the end of the day.

Don’t listen to such radio stations which air the voices of women, conceal the Haq, curry favour with the forces of Baatil and degrade the Ulama-e-Haq!

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