Dear respected visitor
Please note, the articles reflected here are from our Amr bil Ma’roof Nahi anil Munkar Dept.
All correspondences regarding these articles should be sent directly via e-mail to them.
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These articles are also sent via our WhatsApp messages.
Note: The order of these articles are from oldest to newest
1. Joint letter to AMFA (Qurbani Fair)
2. Joint Statement (UUCSA and MMB)
8. Sultan Bahu, Rand Show and others
9. The Election Debates (Jointly written article)
10. The mass Iftaars (Jointly written article)
13. Pre-Qurbani Fun-Fares and Auctions
18. Girls Youth Program (Part 1)
19. Girls Youth Program (Part 2)
YEAR: 2020
24. Ibaadur-Rehmaan series on You-Tube
26. We don’t take Deen from just anyone!
27. Confirmed friends of the Kuffar
28. A sister’s comments on UUCSA
32. Poster #4 (Fitrah notice) (1-page poster)
33. UUCSA – friends of the Kuffar, enemies of Allah
34. Direct your anger at the rightful people!
36. The interfaith meeting of uucsa
37. UUCSA’s damage control article
39. An Advocate’s words of Haq
40. No answers yet from uucsa and co!
41. Ulama inviting Allah’s Wrath!
45. Ignore Raghie’s statements!
46. Covid-19 preventation measures
47. Social distancing in the Masjid
48. JUSA’s dinner vs 10pm curfew
49. Mingling with priests and reverends
50. JUSA and Darul Ihsaan promoting secularism!
52. Cause to rejoice – O Ummah!
53. Country side towns’ Masaajid
55. The ‘second wave’ – response to MJC
59. Court ‘Ulama’ and Seerah talks
60. Don’t read Salaah like a Tsotsi!
65. A message to the trustees and ‘Ulama’
YEAR: 2021
67. Closing the Masaajid once more
72. Where are the friends of the court (Pt 1)
73. Where are the friends of the court (Pt 2)
76. JUSA was and is pro-vaccines!
78. JUSA’s 3rd wave fear mongering
79. A TV-Molvi’s comments refuted
80. Preventative measures (1-page poster)
81. Pastors and their churches (1)
84. Did you sign the petition yet
87. Taliban’s victory & pictography
88. Comments on the audio clip (Pt 1)
93. TV is Haraam – Keep it simple!
96. Covid protocols are Bid’ah! (1-page poster)
98. 4th wave plandemic & Masaajid
101. Covid’s attack on religion
105. Death & Du’a for Mushriks (1)
YEAR: 2022
106. Curfew & Friends of the court
107. Death & Du’a for Mushriks (2)
109. Video streaming of programs
110. Death & Du’a for Mushriks (3)
112. State funerals & the Shari’ah
114. Shi’as abuse the Sahaabah
115. A town’s strike action & its Ulama
116. Mosque Open Days are Haraam
117. Analysing the Mosque Open Days
Year: 2023
121. JUSA’s malacious attempts – Pt 1
122. JUSA is NOT reputable – Pt 2
124. Is JUSA really 100yrs old
126. Rejoice, O Ummah – JUSA’s centenary
127. Deen Team’s folly – BEWARE!
128. Various Fitnahs in the name of Palestine
129. The Film-Making Umrah Team
Year: 2024
130. BEWARE – Baatil Seerah Jalsah
131. Radio Al-Ansaar’s disservice to Deen
132. Poster – Sadaqatul-Fitr notice
133. The confused Seerah Jalsah scholar
134. Can women attend the eidgah
137. Voting & Political Scholars
140. Radio ‘Islam’ is unreliable
Year: 2025
142. Cinema style Nurul-Islam Masjid
145. Seerah Jalsah ‘Mufti’s’ illogical view
146. Seerah Jalsah or FITNAH Jalsah
147. Setting the records straight
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